Intro aux bases de données et la programmation web (Intro to Databases and web developpement)

1st year undergraduate course (License 1), at Université de Bordeaux, Department Informatique, 2020

About the experience

Teaching this class was a great opportunity to brush up my knowledge in databases, SQL, HTML and CSS. I had a good support of the fixed pedagogical team, who had prepared already most of the class materials over the previous years this course had been taught. This was really helpful once the pandemic stroke and we had to go fully online with all assignments worked from home: everything was documented in uni’s moodle, it just needed some reorganization.

A big challenge tough was that most of our 1st year students had no experience with remote access (SSH) to access the databases already setup in the uni’s server (some triedsetting up their own database server locally, but it’s not simple for a begginer either). We all tried our best to help out to guide them througout this process, writing tutorials and giving tech support through the course group chat. Here is for instance an “SSH for Windows” tutorial I wrote back then.
